About Casa da Eira

Wheelchair accessible holiday accommodation

Wheelchair accessible holiday villa, Algarve

Casa da Eira is a wheelchair friendly 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom property which sleeps a maximum of 6. It boasts a spacious living room, dining room and fully equipped kitchen. All rooms have fitted wardrobes, air conditioning and en suite level access shower rooms.


A private 10m by 5m pool with pool hoist which can be used with either sling or chair arrangement.

Living Room

A comfortable and generously appointed living room with tiled floor, sofa's to relax on and tv with dvd player

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom has a king size bed at a height of 60cm with walk in wardrobes and drawers for storage. A TV offers English channels & a cot and high chair can be provided on request.

Twin Bedrooms

The twin bedrooms both have twin single beds at a height of 55cm. They have a large built in wardrobe for storage.

En-Suite Shower Rooms

The main shower room has a wheel in shower. The toilet has a grab rail for transfers. There is a fold down seat in the shower. A shower/toilet chair can be provided on request. The other ensuite shower rooms have level access showers.

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